A path out of ‘burn-out’

Nature and Serenity

Going closer to nature and being there for some minutes every day itself is a great help to find peace and joy. All those who are stressed out could try to take a walk into the forest or at least to a park in their vicinity. Those who are deprived of the closeness of beloved persons and nature tend sometimes to be more aggressive. It may be due to the fact that they were not given the chance to grow in a loving environment and also did not have the nature closer to them to enliven their hearts.


A path out of ‘burn-out’

I always used to ask the burn-out and depressed people to try the natural walk. And used to invite them go green, to befriend the animals and birds along with nurturing warm relationships with someone. God’s grace, human touch and nature’s presence can lead to serenity. Thus the passion to be optimistic will increase.



Are you suffering from Burn outs?

Dedicated and sincere people suffer burn-outs sometimes out of lack of recognition, respect and exploitation.


Proper scheduling of our time, loving care, spiritual initiatives and goodness may bring new hope. There are some more thoughts could be added to that. May other two blogs have something to add in this direction: You may visit:
